We Get It Done - Shaun Clarida Keone Pearson Jon Irizarry
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
No matter where you are or your circumstances, goals, or obstacles, the core values here are ALWAYS to get it done no matter what. No Excuses!
No matter where you are or your circumstances, goals, or obstacles, the core values here are ALWAYS to get it done no matter what. No Excuses!
212 Mr. Olympia champion Shaun Clarida is in town along with Keone Pearson and Per Bernal and they all link up with Jon Irizarry for several training sessions along with lots and lots of meetings, food and team building.
Shaun is planning on defending his title this year and Keone is keen on becoming his best and pushing Shaun to the limit to try to earn his own place in history.
Jon Irizarry burst onto the bodybuilding scene a while back but like most trajectories to success, his rise to professional status was anything but a straight line. Jon had a ton of success as a national teenage champion, then collegiate champion and top ranked national level competitor. Life came into play and Jon ended up traveling the world, went on a journey of self discovery and growing his business. Now he is ultra committed to making it happen this year.
Per Bernal needs no introduction to most bodybuilding aficionados. Tons of magazine covers and (a safe bet to say) most timeless/epic shots that stand the test of time have been shot by Per. These guys team up and train and Per captures everything in real time with very real weights. No bullshit staging here. What you see is for sure what you get.
Stay tuned for more of these guys getting it done. Get it done yourself too!