Video: OLD SCHOOL and RAW - Chest Training with Branch and Johnnie
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
This is a typical blood volume "OLD SCHOOL" chest workout with Johnnie Jackson and Branch Warren.
Know where you're going, why and with steps to get there a.k.a have a plan.
Johnnie Jackson explains the risk of going in circles and never getting anywhere if you don't have a clear vision and a plan with strategic steps to get there.
This is a typical blood volume "OLD SCHOOL" chest workout with all the basic exercises in the beginning and what most would call "metabolic" or "pump" exercises and supersets towards the end.
Branch and Johnnie add in the floor presses here in an effort to build back up pressing power and the sticking point commonly reached before lockout of any press.
**Branch and Johnnie's full workout:
Warm up: laterals, rear laterals, rotator cuff laterals x 2-3 sets
Flat dumbbell presses: 2 x 12 with lighter weight
Flat dumbbell presses: 3 x 10 - 15 reps (last set push past failure)
Incline barbell presses: 135 x 15 (warm up) 3 sets x 10 - 15 reps
Floor presses: 2 x 8 - 10 reps (1 second hold on the floor)
Converging chest press: 3 x 10 - 15 (double drop set on the last set)
Pec deck: 3 x 15 reps
Superset: Gymleco fly with elevated push-ups (3 rounds x 15)