Video: Lit Up Back Training - Joe Mackey and Eugene Torrence
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
In life and in bodybuilding, you cant get traction without a specific direction and fully executing the steps to make a process happen.
Doing with intention is everything!
In life and in bodybuilding, you cant get traction without a specific direction and fully executing the steps to make a process happen.
The same applies to lifting with intention. Believe it or not, a heavier weight is NOT the end all be all to progressive overload and making progress with your physique. Sometimes you have to re learn movements and then intentionally execute to get the desired stimulus.
Today with Joe Mackey and Eugene Torrence the desired stimulus is back... more specifically the smaller muscles like the rhomboids that need special attention since "contests are won from the back."
Check out the accessory and "primer" movements and stretches that Eugene Torrence (follow him on instagram at stretchingstation) puts Joe through and how Joe then follows up with his usual heavy movements while incorporating the re learned movement and after priming the rhomboids and smaller muscles of the back.