Leg Training While Shredded - Tampa Pro 12 Days Out
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
"If you want to make your quads grow you need to focus on initiating movements with knee flexion and not the hips."
Hunter Labrada is 12 days out here from the IFBB Tampa Pro championships.
In previous videos Bryan Troianello and Hunter explain their reasoning behind backing off the volume and intensifier techniques but keeping the top sets as close to offseason top weights as strength allows and this will satisfy "what put the tissue on will keep the tissue on."
In the past 10 years of training and more notably for bodybuilding purposes in the past 4-5 years of training Bryan and Hunter have really dissected what makes legs grow, more specifically how to make their quadriceps and hamstrings the biggest and roundest for the specific purpose of bodybuilding competition.
_"If you want to make your quads grow you need to focus on initiating movements with knee flexion and not the hips."
Having these fundamentals and consistently progressing on keep lifts for years now have built what have to be some of the gnarliest quads and hams in recent years in the IFBB.