Joe Mackey - Tampa Pro Peak Week
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
Joe Mackey along with Jon Irizarry, Hunter Labrada and Bryan Troianello are all in Tampa ready to compete.
Peak week is essentially doing less physically demanding activity i.e. no new personal records set in the gym, no "killing it" with cardio. The work is done or at least should be done at this point.
Joe Mackey along with Jon Irizarry, Hunter Labrada and Bryan Troianello are all in Tampa ready to compete at the first open bodybuilding post panic and amidst all the 2020 chaos.
"The name of the game is put blood into the muscle and shuttle nutrients where we need them and no where else." Jon Irizarry has been helping Joe with improving his posing and putting him through the peak week paces in the gym.
"We just have to keep it simple. Keep eating and posing and relaxing."