Ed Brown’s Holistic Back Training with Josh Bryant
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
"That is why Fred Hatfield was the greatest bodybuilding trainer even though he was known for his power-lifting."
"Holistic muscle development. You will have to do heavy and light weight, high and low reps, fast tempo and slow tempo, eccentric overloads, isometric emphasis ALL these different techniques to holistically develop the muscle. That is why Fred Hatfield was the greatest bodybuilding trainer even though he was known for his power-lifting."
Josh Bryant has been programming Ed Brown's training for years now. Ed, being a competitive bodybuilder, has benefited from Josh's programming evidenced by a strong and densely muscled physique. Josh has programmed in lifts, rep ranges and tempos to complement Ed's base level of strength and added in time under tension techniques to work around existing injuries.
Check out what you can learn here from Josh Bryant and Ed Brown on base strength and holistically developing your own physique.
Ed Browns full Workout here:
Trap bar deadlifts:
245lb x 8, 445lb x 3, 645 x 2, 735 x 2
Time under tension pulldowns:
(Using Prime Fitness cable station) 3 second concentric, 1 second pause, 5 second eccentric
4 sets x 8 reps
Eccentric overload rows:
3 sets x 8 reps (5 second eccentric)
superset with
Rope face pulls:
3 x 10 reps with 1 second isometric squeeze each rep
Cluster set neutral grip pull-ups:
3 reps followed by a 10 second rest for 5 minutes