Adam Young - Consistency & Hard Work
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
"I was a 3 sport athlete in Highschool but was always a huge gym rat."
Adam Young is born and raised in Denver, Colorado went to the University of Alabama. After winning his first bodybuilding contest in 2013 he dived head first into maximizing his potential and won the 2017 North American Championships which earned him his pro card. Now he trains out of Armbrust gym in Denver, Colorado.
**What triggered your interest in athletics?
**I was a 3 sport athlete in Highschool but was always a huge gym rat. "I remember walking into the gym in the 7th grade and feeling at home. I was always good at strength training and bodybuilding and had a naturally muscular physique at a young age."
**How did you turn from team sports to bodybuilding?
**I was living the college lifestyle with drinking, partying and not eating so healthy. I moved back to Colorado and met up with Allen Watkins who was the first to say "you would be a great bodybuilder," which sparked the interest in competing.
From then I linked up with Dylan Armbrust at Armbrust gym and he taught me a lot! "Dylan is like a second dad, mentor and best friend. He would always tell me to take more time, to be patient and always preached consistency and hard work."
**What is in store now and for the future?
**Well I have competed in the pro 212 division. This year I looked my best ever at the Indy pro and placed 12th which was definitely a kick in the balls. So moving forward I'm going to do something different because I just had to suck down in bodyweight too much. This is too hard on my body when you are trying to look full and impressive as a bodybuilder. I will take the rest of the year off and grow into the open division and focus and grow business wise.
See you all in Denver, Colorado!