Hunter Labrada: Push Session | 6.5 Weeks Out Mr. Olympia
11 November 2022
|Updated 13 November 2024
We are back at Hunter's office aka Labrada Nutrition HQ with training partner Jordan Vanderflier and Ben Chow
We are back at Hunter's office aka Labrada Nutrition HQ with training partner Jordan Vanderflier and Ben Chow. Ben is in town to keep a closer eye on Hunter's progress as we creep in on the 6 weeks out mark and the time to really dig in to condition and "strip all the fat away."
Here Hunter explains how he is still pushes each exercise with his usual top sets and a forced rep but now is incorporating "pause drop sets" as a way to develop the mind muscle connection and get some more metabolic work in.
At this point in prep Hunter is around 280lbs. We will link back up with Hunter in 2 weeks to see a drastic change in condition.