Deadlift Protocol - Johnnie Jackson and Josh Bryant: Episode 3
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
This is workout 2 of Johnnie's 8 week quest to annihilate 705lb on the way to surpassing what he pulled in 2012.
"As you can see, we are doing the same exercises as last week. We are not trying to get cute or fancy and do what other people are doing to take selfies in the gym. We want o get good at this collection of exercises that is going to build Johnnie's deadlift." - Josh Bryant MS
To build a good base and to progressively overload you cant change unnecessary variables from week to week. This is workout 2 of Johnnie's 8 week quest to annihilate 705lb on the way to surpassing what he pulled in 2012. Josh Bryant is getting Johnnie to perfect his form on every deadlift he performs including the speed deadlifts and deficit deadlifts with MAXIMUM force (speed x acceleration).
Stay tuned and see the energy, focus and most of all STRENGTH of Johnnie Jackson amp up!