9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
So why deadlift?
by Josh Bryant MS
So why deadlift?
If you’re a powerlifter, it’s part of your three-lift total. For physique athletes, it’s a great way to develop
your physique. It sort of like a swiss army knife. It does a lot of things really well. The deadlift has a
very simple learning curve and it forces your body to work together in concert. For example, for traditional athletes, speed is king. Speed is king on the court and on the field. One of the best ways to get faster is to improve your strength to body weight ratio in the deadlift. If you can deadlift 2.5 x your bodyweight you YOU WILL BE MORE EXPLOSIVE!
"If you can deadlift 2.5 x your bodyweight you YOU WILL BE MORE EXPLOSIVE!"
There is something primordially satisfying about ripping some heavy ass pig iron off the ground.
My gut says the deadlift is the oldest strength-training movement in existence. Squats and bench presses took iron game pioneers some imagination, but picking up heavy objects? Putting it down and picking it up again? That’s instinctual.
A caveman tells an opponent to pick up a rock. If the dude can, he gets to chow down on some prime wooly mammoth ribs. But, if he fails, he loses his ribs, his cave and his lady. That’s probably how the world’s first powerlifting meet played out and not a whole hell of a lot has changed since.
Deadlift programming and technique have been refined through the ages and we have provided you with a video series on proper technique and are giving you the exact program to follow. Click HERE to watch the video series and download the FREE program.